"Action done totally brings relaxation; relaxation done totally brings more action." - Shree Rajneesh.
This is one of the quotes that made me feel wow! it's deep!😇
What work when done well brings you total joy and relaxation? For me, it's my sessions with my students.🙏💛👍
Speaking of the session, in my yesterday's Success blueprint class, we had a discussion regarding forgiveness. I asked my students what should be done if someone keeps hurting them knowingly, again and again.
Some felt we should just keep ignoring it, and some felt ignoring it will make things worse, some also thought that we should do the same thing to that person. We are yet to give a conclusion as a team. What I loved is the way students expressed themselves and the way they listened to each other's views even when they felt exactly the opposite.🙏.
So now coming back to the awesome quote, what makes you truly relaxed so that you are ready for more action?
For me, it's yoga and long walks. The idea of relaxation which means lazing and doing nothing doesn't work for me currently. Unless I am too tired or just feeling lazy 😛. And watching TV or mindless scrolling of phone can only take my mind off for a while but doesn't truly relax.
If you know what truly relaxes you, awesome 👍, else it's time to explore and know what brings true relaxation to you!😍
Make it a relaxing weekend 😇
Make it a relaxing weekend 😇
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